What's New Observance of two minutes silence at School Premise as a tribute to the martyrs of freedom struggl

Our Mission & Vision

The school will strive for providing the child centred fear free environment to enhance students Attendance, Regularity and Punctuality leading to more effective teaching learning process & achievement of learning levels to at least 80% in three years and 100% by 2022.
The School prepares the student for becoming a good citizen by providing opportunities to develop the qualities of mind & heart, skills & attitudes which enable him to cope with the challenges of life and to be a contributing member of the society, nation and of the world.
  • With the dawn of each new day and the passing of every year, We rededicate ourselves to our mission of spreading the light of education everywhere.
  • We aim at providing quality education to our students irrespective of caste, creed or color.
  • Children with special talents are provided opportunities and moral support to realize their potential.
  • The School aims at the all round development of personality of the student. The students learn to give and receive respect as they are groomed into citizens not only of this country but also of the world.
  • Appropriate measures are taken for children with special needs.